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Healthcare Navigation

Our health care navigation services are highly customized to address your unique needs. We are available for expert
advice, assistance, care planning, and representation from UHG professionals by appointment.

Here is how we support you:


Guiding you and your family through a medical crisis.


Helping you understand and receive the care you need.


Explore care options and establish a personal plan.


Locating community resources for your healthcare needs.

Long-term Planning:

Addressing plans for care in the future for you and your family

What you can expect:

  • Clear, compassionate explanations of available options
  • Innovative, comprehensive solutions
  • Someone to explain, translate, and frame options for you benefits for you and your family
  • Clear information on your healthcare options.
  • Personalized Assistance in planning for future healthcare needs.


People frequently ask:

My mom was recently hospitalized and now needs to go to a skilled nursing home. How do we know where to begin our search?

I don’t have anyone to help me at home. It’s becoming harder to clean the house and running errands. Can you help?